Saturday, May 27, 2017

Liard River Hot Springs

I made the short trip from Muncho Lake to Liard on the 22nd, and who do you think I found when I rolled in? That’s right! Dennis and Carol, who were supposedly still on the ferry on their way to Skagway. I rolled down the window and exclaimed: UN-FRIGGIN-BELIEVABLE! (Actually, I wasn’t too surprised, I sorta expected them to show up) Dennis says: SURE YOU WERE!  I grabbed the site across from them and we had fun catching up on where we’d been.

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Liard is the first gathering of the Loosey Goosey clan. I’m “hosting” it, which mostly means that we’ll have happy hour at my site, but the lack of cell and internet leave me guessing how many will show up. I’m planning to cook a Guisada dinner for anyone who’s there on the 25th. Let’s see how many we get. Meanwhile, I’m spending mornings and evenings soaking in the springs! Liard is one of the nicest hot springs I’ve ever been to: rustic, yet modern, remote, yet easily accessible by boardwalk.

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Folks start rolling in, and hugs and happy faces are the rule each day. By the 25th, we have 23 people here for dinner! I’m not going to list the names, but you can see from these pix, it’s a big (and happy) group!

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After dinner, it’s down to the springs for a glass of mead, and a group soak.

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Whatever Carol’s saying, I don’t think Cathie’s buying it!


Bud being Bud.

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Why are all the women in the center, and all the men against the wall?

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The 26th was my 60th birthday, and Cathie baked a cake for me, and I got some great gifts. Being 60 hardly hurts at all, unless I bend over too far like this… Ouch! Dammit.


I don’t know what she used to decorate that cake, but it might be moose poop! Tasted good…..

Hugs to all the Goosey folks who attended the Liard gathering! It was a blast! See y’all on down the road!



  1. Happy Birthday Mark! Can't imagine having a better one.

  2. Happiest of belly button days Mark! So sorry I was not there to help usher it in my fellow Gemini.


Hi Folks

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