Monday, May 19, 2014

Parts is Parts

Another morning up at crack o dawn. Dag Nabbit! Weather forecast was for morning thunderstorms, so out of bed early and under the RV before 7am, working on replacing the belts and getting the bad hose off. Luckily, I had spare belts, so didn’t have to wait for the auto parts store to open. By 0730, was ready for parts… which will get there “nine-ish”. OK, have a bite to eat. Watch the weather radar, and the big orange and yellow glob of storms approaching from the West. Parts arrived at 0930, rain started at 0945. in between, I actually got the new hose installed, topped fluids, and buttoned up… hardly got wet at all! Once things calmed down rain-wise, I thanked the kind folks at Oreilley’s and got back on the road. All seems well.

Made the obligatory Wal-Mart stop for last minute items, and also stopped at Home Depot for stuff to be used later… you’ll see. The rest of a long day was lots of four-lane in the windshield, and the hum of the road. I landed just short of the Canadian border late in the eve, parked alongside a railroad track at a gas station in quite literally the dead center of Nowhere, ND. I will face the steely-eyed border authorities tomorrow morning after a good nights sleep (no damn sunrises, please!) and a shower and brekky. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. seems like we are all doing last minute fixes ;) we are STILL doing fixes ;) see you soon!


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