The SS Badger is the only coal-fired, steam-powered car ferry still in operation. Yes, that’s real coal smoke coming from the stack! I would have loved to see the engine room, but no tourists allowed.
There goes my baby.. into the ferry. Backwards! They loaded several full size semis and a bunch of cars. All backwards… I went in frontwards, and found my way to the breakfast buffet.
Underway! Shift Colors! A cold 20 knot wind across the deck kept most of the sun worshippers inside where it was warm. The lake was, well, like a lake… calm and big. I bet it gets very ocean-like at times tho. Took about 4 hours to cross.
On the other side, all of the vehicles were driven out and we all hopped in and drove away. Thanks, SS Badger… it was fun! I hit the road towards St. Paul, and enjoyed the scenery. There were lots of big farms, and wide open territory. My GPS offered some important navigation info…
All things went smoothly until I stopped for gas and noticed a large amount of fluid pooling under the RV. Egad! A power steering pressure hose was leaking really bad. I called ahead to an Oreilleys auto parts about 350 miles up the road at my next planned stop and ordered a replacement, and stocked up on power steering fluid. I figured I could keep up with the leak, but it was a big one. I was faced with a dilemma: keep rolling and probably trash the power steering pump when it ran dry, or cut the belts and continue sans power assist. I cut the belts. Let me tell you, driving a 10K LB vehicle with no power steering or brakes is not something I would recommend. Thankfully, I was on 4 lane all the way, and had no problems. I rolled into the parking lot of the Oreilleys in Rogers, MN about 8pm and settled down for a quiet nite.
how fun! I want to ride a ferry, well maybe not. It's kinda nice they park it for you but I would worry. We rode one from Bremerton to Seattle and it was scary, luckily, the tide was right and we could drive off... if the tide was any different, no way in heck!