Thursday, June 8, 2017

Seward Part 1

The road from Tok to Anchorage is called the Glenn Highway. I’d like to say it’s a better road, but it isn’t. Same old frost heaves and gravel spots, and it’s raining, but if you look real hard, you can see Alaska out in front a ways.

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As the road approaches Wasilla, a rapidly growing city just north of Anchorage, you get into a winding pass through the mountains, a very pretty drive. Oops, a moose!

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Animals are everywhere along the roads, and you really have to watch out for them. A moose this close to traffic is pretty dangerous, and not just for the moose! Rolling into Anchorage, it looks like any city anywhere. Hey, there’s a Taco Bell! And a Wendy’s. Looks like civilization.


South of Anchorage, you travel the Seward highway, which twists along the shore of the Turnagain Arm. A very scenic drive! I’ve yet to travel it under sunny skies, but today is better than average for mountain views.

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Arriving in Seward, I park right down along the edge of Resurrection bay. Man, a site with a view indeed! There are several RV camping areas operated by the city, and some are water/electric sites, and some dry camping. I opt for a dry site which saves me $20 a nite. Don’t need no steenking electricity!

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My old friends Wallace and Wanda are here, along with my new friend Elouise. They got here in late may, and have been hanging out, waiting for the salmon to come in. The next day is bright and sunny, a rare occurrence in Seward, and we take full advantage of it. Fishing in a place like this is a privilege, the scenery alone make it awesome, even if you don’t catch a thing!

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The sun doesn’t last, but the fish are starting to come in, so we catch a few. Damn, those are nice salmon! They are Sockeye, and so far, that’s my favorite for good eating and smoking. A group of eagles looks on from across the river.

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When we get back to the truck, there is this amazing eagle show going on, not ten feet away from us. A fellow is cleaning his fish and tossing the scraps out for the seagulls, when half a dozen eagles show up and start squabbling over the scraps. Absolutely amazing to watch. I took more than a few pix, hope you like ‘em! This is one of those Alaska Moments, fer sure!

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We are fishing every day. Sometimes the weather is nice, sometimes it’s downright shitty. Sometimes we catch fish, and sometimes we get skunked. But overall, it is great to be here, and I feel super lucky, even if I don’t catch nuttin’.

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And on the days we get skunked….. We go to the brewery!


I’ll be here another week, just doing what feels right and good. Maybe go fishin’…. yeah, be right with ya, Wallace, I gotta post this blog first. Say, does anyone else see faces on this mountain?


More from Seward in a little while! Stay tuned….


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